Many of us have something about our noses that we would like to change, even if subtle. That’s why rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures worldwide. But rhinoplasty is a major surgery with permanent results. If you don’t want the expense, discomfort, risk, and permanence of surgery, Dr. David C. Mabrie can reshape your nose with the careful application of nose filler—a procedure known as non surgical rhinoplasty or non surgical nose job. At MFI in San Francisco, this non surgical approach is a safe and effective option for making changes to nose contours. Keep reading to learn why.

Our Favorite Non Surgical Rhinoplasty
 Before AND After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 680 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #680:

Before and After
Case: 1 of 8

Case #680

See his Forehead Contouring Case here!ABOUT OUR PATIENT
This boxer and trainer used to spar and wanted to improve the uneven appearance of his nose, especially the bridge and tip.He was self-conscious about his face and his nose had bothered him for years. After following our social media and contemplating filler treatment... Read More
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 632 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #632:

Before and After
Case: 2 of 8

Case #632

After being so impressed by MFI’s online photo gallery, it was an easy choice for this patient to schedule her very first non surgical rhinoplasty as a birthday gift to herself.  Top on her wish list:  improve the appearance of her dorsal hump and define her nasal tip. MFI TREATMENT PLAN
Read More
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 1187 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #1187:

Before and After
Case: 3 of 8

Case #1187

ABOUT OUR PATIENTEven the most subtle imperfections can be bothersome when you see them in the mirror or in photos every day. Our patient, a woman in her late 40s, felt insecure about her nose—especially in photos. Factors including a history of physical trauma, a deviated septum, and a natural hump contributed to an appearance o... Read More
Before & After Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty After Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 801 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #801:

Before and After
Case: 4 of 8

Case #801

This young woman visited our office seeking assistance with correcting asymmetry resulting from a previous rhinoplasty surgery she had undergone several years ago. She expressed dissatisfaction with her nose leaning to one side and feeling that her profile views were noticeably different.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
B... Read More
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 660 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #660:

Before and After
Case: 5 of 8

Case #660

This stunning patient is a social media content creator! With always being in front of the camera, she noticed a “heaviness” at the tip of her nose on profile view. When taking photos, it was easy to edit or use makeup to contour her nose in order to appear more defined and upturned, but on video it was hard... Read More
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 768 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #768:

Before and After
Case: 6 of 8

Case #768

This female patient in her 40's felt that the tip of her nose lacked definition and wanted to avoid surgery. She decided to come in for a non surgical nose rhinoplasty (liquid nose job) to improve the shape and definition of her nose. MFI TREATMENT PLAN
With the use of Restylane, a hyaluronic acid f... Read More
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 1287 Left Side View in San Francisco, CA

Case #1287:

Before and After
Case: 7 of 8

Case #1287

This African American male in his 50s sought out Dr. Mabrie at Mabrie Facial Institute to enhance his facial profile and address concerns about the appearance of his nose. Over the years, he had become increasingly self-conscious about the shape of his nose, especially it's rounded full tip and undefined bridge. He was p... Read More
Before & After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 452 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #452:

Before and After
Case: 8 of 8

Case #452

We applied Restylane to her nose, Juvederm Voluma to her chin, Restylane Refyne to her lips as well as Botox to her brows. THE OUTCOME
The patient is shown 3 months after her initial treatment and we are loving the results! Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Reshaping Your Nose With Filler: Your Treatment Options At MFI

Many individuals are pleasantly surprised by how much contouring Dr. Mabrie can do with the innovative and artistic use of nose fillers. No matter your age, gender, or ethnicity, we can make subtle changes that vastly improve the appearance of your nose without stripping it of its character. Dr. Mabrie will customize your treatment plan to address a variety of concerns.

Nasal Bridge Filler

An attractive nose is defined by a straight bridge with the right degree of projection, one that is neither too wide nor too narrow. Non surgical rhinoplasty with filler enables us to improve the balance, proportions, and symmetry of this part of the nose and enhance the appearance of the entire face.

Highlighted bridge treatment area on a model's face for Non Surgical Rhinoplasty.
Closeup of a woman's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a woman's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

Some patients lack projection or definition and need their nasal dorsum/nasal bridge augmented. By building up the bridge and making it more angular, we can also make a wide nose look thinner.

Closeup of a woman's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a woman's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

A bump or hump on the bridge of the nose can distort the profile and make the nose overly prominent. Streamlining the nasal bridge is a component of many of the non surgical rhinoplasties Dr. Mabrie performs.

Closeup of a man's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a man's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

When the bridge of the nose looks broad and sometimes flat, we can build with filler to create a defined, narrower appearance. This is a good example of using filler to make a wide nose look thinner.

Closeup of a man's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a man's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

A crooked bridge can be visually "straightened" by balancing the lines with the strategic application of filler.

Nasal Tip Filler

As the point of farthest projection, the tip of the nose is very important to the overall appearance of the nose. If the tip is bulbous, round, drooping, boxy, or undefined, it can overshadow or detract from other features.

Highlighted nasal tip treatment area on a model's face for Non Surgical Rhinoplasty.
Closeup of a woman's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a woman's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

Fillers may be used to make a "bulbous nasal tip" look more defined and smaller.

Closeup of a nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

The skillful placement of filler reshaped this woman's drooping nasal tip for a more aesthetically pleasing profile.

Closeup of a woman's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a woman's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

For patients with a drooping tip, well-placed injections can increase rotation and create an upward lift.

Filler for Nostrils / Columella

Irregularities in the area under the nasal tip can be more noticeable than you might expect. Dr. Mabrie corrects many issues with the nostrils and the columella (the strip of skin between the nostrils) using nose filler. 

Highlighted nostrils treatment area on a model's face for Non Surgical Rhinoplasty.
Woman before nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.
Woman after nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.

Through the skillful application of filler, Dr. Mabrie was able to strengthen this woman’s bridge, define her nasal tip, and lower the nostrils.

Man before nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.
Man after nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.

This gentleman’s nose is a great example of small refinements making a big difference. Dr. Mabrie used filler to strengthen the bridge, soften an indentation, define the nasal tip, and lower the nostrils.

Woman before nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.
Woman after nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.

We applied filler to the tip of this woman’s nose to rotate it slightly upward and visually reduce the nostrils.

Woman before nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.
Woman before nonsurgical nose job, focusing on the nostrils and the columella.

In addition to strengthening this woman’s bridge and defining her nasal tip, Dr. Mabrie used filler to lower the rim of the nostril and build up the columella.

Filler To Correct Post-Surgical Issues

Sometimes surgical rhinoplasty weakens the nasal bones or cartilage, resulting in indentations or other irregularities. We perform non surgical nose job after rhinoplasty surgery using fillers to restore symmetry and a natural, attractive shape.

Highlighted treatment area on a model's face for Non Surgical Rhinoplasty.
Closeup of a woman's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a woman's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

A hump reduction rhinoplasty surgery caused the middle cartilaginous portion of this woman's nose to collapse, making the tip look round and pronounced. With filler, we created the defined and consistent shape she wanted.

Closeup of a woman's nose before nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.
Closeup of a woman's nose after nonsurgical nose job with fillers treatment.

After previous rhinoplasties left this woman with concavities and a blunted tip, we used Restylane to restore structure to her nasal bridge and give her more definition in the nasal tip.

Woman before non surgical nose job after rhinoplasty surgery.
Woman after non surgical nose job after rhinoplasty surgery.

A previous rhinoplasty left this woman’s nose appearing flattened or “pushed in.” Dr. Mabrie used Restylane to the bridge and tip to give her nose a longer, more natural appearance.

Woman before non surgical nose job after rhinoplasty surgery.
Woman after non surgical nose job after rhinoplasty surgery.

This young woman had nasal asymmetry resulting from a previous rhinoplasty. Her nose “leaned” to one side and her profile views were noticeably different. Dr. Mabrie used filler over 3 appointments to restore balance, structure, and support.

How Much Does a Non Surgical Nose Job Cost?

The cost for non surgical rhinoplasty with Dr. Mabrie at MFI includes your first and second appointment and up to 2 syringes of filler over 2 visits. Please visit our dedicated pricing page for the most current information.

Once your nose is just right, you move into the maintenance phase of treatment. From this point on, we only need to see you once every 9 to 12 months, and touch-ups typically only require 1 syringe.

Qualified borrowers may be eligible for 0% financing for 6 to 12 months through CareCredit and Alphaeon medical financing. 

The MFI Advantage

As a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Mabrie specialized in surgical rhinoplasty for more than 10 years and trained at Johns Hopkins and Stanford. He has in-depth, hands-on experience with the complexities of nasal anatomy and was one of the first surgeons to offer “liquid rhinoplasty” in the Bay Area. He has performed the procedure daily for more than 15 years. At MFI, we have mastered the art and science of applying fillers to specific anatomic locations to contour and sculpt the nose for optimal results and safety.

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Causes and Solutions for Nose Shape

What Determines Nose Shape?

The appearance of the nose, like the rest of the face, is determined by the form and structure beneath the skin. The external nose consists of two nasal bones, cartilage, and skin, and how these are shaped can be the result of several factors.

Genetics – The nose you were born with is the result of genetics. The size, shape, and other characteristics of your nose are influenced by what part of the world your ancestors are from and which genes you inherited.

Trauma – If your nose has been fractured, it may have healed improperly, causing a crooked or slanted bridge or even bumps or indentations.

Aging – The tissues that form the tip of the nose can become bulbous, undefined, or droopy with age.

Surgery – Nose surgery can weaken the nasal bones or cartilage, resulting in indentations or other irregularities.

Should I Get A Non Surgical Nose Job or Rhinoplasty Surgery?

At MFI, we believe non surgical rhinoplasty from the outset, for many patients, can produce even better results than surgery, which is why we are so passionate about the procedure. The data shows that the patient experience and satisfaction are much higher with non surgical rhinoplasty vs. surgical for several reasons:

  • Results are immediate, adjustable, and reversible.
  • Swelling, pain, risk, and recovery time are greatly reduced.
  • Final cosmetic results are often better.

While only surgery can revise the bone and cartilage, injectable fillers can sculpt nasal contours for truly customized results.

Non Surgical Nose Job

Consultation and Planning for Your Non Surgical Nose Job With Filler

Mabrie facial institute seating area interior

Your First Visit

Your non surgical rhinoplasty follows a thorough consultation with Dr. Mabrie at our fun and stylish San Francisco office. He evaluates both the three-dimensional shape of the nose and its relation to the rest of the face.

You’ll have a candid conversation to get clear on your aesthetic goals and expectations and go over safety concerns. Then we take professional-level photographs of your nose from all angles, using them at every visit to identify your concerns and monitor your progress. Based on both the photos and the in-person examination, we map out a customized treatment plan which may include:

  • Augmenting the bridge
  • Reducing a bump, hump, or indentation on the bridge
  • Making the bridge appear narrower
  • Straightening the bridge
  • Defining a bulbous tip
  • Rotating a droopy tip
  • Refining the columella
  • Reducing nostril prominence
  • Correcting post-surgical complications

Please plan to spend about 2 to 3 hours in the office for your first visit, which includes consultation, prep, treatment, pre- and post-treatment photography, aftercare education, and scheduling your next appointment.

Your Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Procedure Takes Two Treatments

Getting the best from your nose filler procedure requires a minimum of two appointments. This staged approach allows us to first create structure and support. The filler is injected using a blunt-tipped microcannula or a microneedle for improved comfort and increased safety. Dr. Mabrie injects at a precise anatomic depth where there are fewer arteries and uses a low-pressure injection technique. Then in about 4 to 6 weeks, once the swelling has subsided, we make subtle refinements until you have exactly the look you want.

For more information about your treatment, visit Your Treatment Timeline. 

Example of Two Treatment Process

Profile close up of a woman's nose, before non surgical rhinoplasty treatment.
Profile close up of a woman's nose, after the first of two non surgical rhinoplasty treatments.
After 1 of 2 Treatments
Profile close up of a woman's nose, after the second of two non surgical rhinoplasty treatments.
After 2 of 2 Treatments

Preparing for Your Procedure

For the best filler experience, follow these tips in advance of your appointment:

  • A few days before your appointment, restrict blood thinners, such as anti-inflammatories, fish oil, and alcohol. Limiting these will reduce your risk of bruising from nose filler.
  • DO NOT discontinue prescribed, medically necessary medications.
  • Eat and drink a normal breakfast or lunch prior to your appointment; low blood sugar can make patients lightheaded during treatment.

Recovery & Aftercare

You may experience swelling, bruising, tenderness, and redness immediately after treatment. These are normal side effects and are most apparent 24 to 48 hours after treatment. They can last up to 2 weeks but typically subside within 2 to 5 days. Most patients return to their routine activities the same day.


  • While swelling with this procedure is typically minimal, it peaks the day after treatment
  • This may cause temporary asymmetry, lumps, or bumps
  • Will gradually resolve to reveal your final results over 4 to 6 weeks


  • While bruising is possible, it is usually minimal

Redness & Discomfort

  • Often minimal and lasting just a few days
  • Your nose may be tender to the touch


  • No downtime required
  • May return to work immediately after treatment
  • May resume normal exercise the next day

Because we know you have questions about your recovery process, we created an entire page dedicated to BOTOX and dermal filler aftercare.

Aftercare Pro Tips

Safety: What Are the Risks of Nose Fillers?

As with any facial dermal filler injection, there is some risk of vascular occlusion (when an artery or vein is blocked by filler). There is also a very small (1-500,000) risk of blindness. The risks are higher in the nasal area, making it all the more important that you choose a provider who specializes in nose fillers. The injector must be very familiar with the nasal anatomy and, in particular, the vascular anatomy.

At Mabrie Facial Institute, we have the knowledge and experience needed to minimize risk, as well as recognize signs of complications and effectively treat them. We use a blunt-tipped microcannula, avoid high-risk vascular areas, and have the products and the training to dissolve the filler immediately if there are any signs of vascular occlusion.

Although very rare, there is a risk of injury to the skin, especially those who are concerned with refining the nasal tip. After treatment, it is important to watch for signs of vascular compromise, paleness of the skin, increasing pain, or redness.

Non Surgical Rhinoplasty FAQs 

What are the advantages of a non surgical nose job vs. rhinoplasty surgery?

In addition to being reversible, dermal fillers are versatile, so Dr. Mabrie can achieve delicate, very specific improvements that look natural. This type of precision may not be possible with nose surgery. Results are visible very soon after the procedure (if not immediately), and you can provide real-time guidance to ensure the results meet your expectations and goals. The quick, comfortable procedure takes only 15 to 30 minutes, whereas surgery can take 4 to 6 hours and requires general anesthesia. There is no downtime with non surgical rhinoplasty, whereas surgery requires an extended recovery, and results take up to a year to materialize. Learn more by reading this blog post.

Can nose filler make your nose smaller?

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty cannot reduce the size of your nose, but it can create changes that give your nose the appearance of being smaller. For example, softening or smoothing the angle of projection makes the nose seem less prominent. Building up the bridge can give a wide nose a slimmer, more angular appearance. Correcting asymmetries and irregularities can bring your nose more into balance with your other features. Learn more about how to make your nose look smaller.

What is the best filler for a non surgical nose job?

At MFI, Restylane® is the preferred filler for nonsurgical rhinoplasty because of its durability and natural-looking results. Restylane is made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring sugar molecule found in the body, meaning it is safe and biocompatible. Additionally, Restylane is highly malleable, making it easier for your Injector to shape it and create the natural-looking contours. For these reasons, plus its long-lasting results, Restylane is widely regarded as the best filler for a non surgical nose job.

Can I get nose fillers after rhinoplasty?

It’s a common misconception that individuals who have had nose surgery should not have fillers placed in the nose. It is true that patients with previous surgical rhinoplasty have an increased risk of vascular occlusion, therefore, they must be evaluated case by case for candidacy. That said, we have treated numerous patients with fillers after surgical rhinoplasty with great success. In fact, in the hands of a very experienced and skilled provider, this can be an excellent alternative to undergoing revision surgery.

Can fillers make my wide nose look thinner?

Yes! In fact, this is one of the most common concerns we treat with nonsurgical rhinoplasty at MFI. By adding filler along the nasal bridge, we create a straighter and more refined appearance. Filling in the bridge helps create the illusion of a narrower nose, especially if there are irregularities or depressions that make the nose appear broader. This technique minimizes the appearance of width while adding a sense of structure.

For some patients, enhancing the nasal tip with filler can make the overall nose look more defined and balanced. By lifting or shaping the tip slightly, we can draw attention away from the width, subtly reshaping the nose to appear narrower.

What if I don’t like my non surgical rhinoplasty results?

One of the greatest benefits of non surgical rhinoplasty is that the procedure is reversible in most cases. If a patient is unsatisfied for any reason, a special enzyme-based product called Hylenex® can be injected into the treatment area within the first 24 hours. This immediately dissolves hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane, JUVÉDERM®, and Restylane® Lyft. RADIESSE® is not a hyaluronic acid and cannot be reversed. Ultimately, the effects of dermal fillers are temporary as they are naturally reabsorbed by the body over the course of a few months.

The MFI Advantage

As a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Mabrie specialized in surgical rhinoplasty for more than 10 years and trained at Johns Hopkins and Stanford. He has in-depth, hands-on experience with the complexities of nasal anatomy and was one of the first surgeons to offer “liquid rhinoplasty” in the Bay Area. He has performed the procedure daily for more than 15 years. At MFI, we have mastered the art and science of applying fillers to specific anatomic locations to contour and sculpt the nose for optimal results and safety.

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We’d Love To See You

If you are interested in learning more about non surgical nose job with filler, request a consultation online, or call us at (415) 445-9513 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Mabrie. If you’ll be visiting us from outside the area, our Fly in for Your Procedure page was created just for you to help make planning your trip as smooth as possible.

A Reputation Built on Results

I first found Dr. Mabrie nine years ago, while researching on the website real (a site that...
Dr. Mabrie and his team provide exceptional care in a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere. With a focus on...
What an amazing experience! Everyone in the office was incredibly lovely from start to finish. Dr....
This is where to go when you want your most important work done by a pro. Excellent service by the whole...