You can be young, happy, and relaxed and still have a drooping brow that makes you look angry or fatigued. Low eyebrows can also overshadow your eyes and disrupt the balance of your other facial features. The internet will tell you there are many BOTOX alternatives for a non surgical brow lift. But at MFI in San Francisco, we know that when it comes to restoring a youthful arch to your brows, the best option is neuromodulators like BOTOX, Dysport®, and XEOMIN®.

Our Favorite Drooping Brow
 Before AND After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 770 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

Case #770

This late 20’s beauty was looking for a way to give her eyes some vibrance of brightness and openness. MFI TREATMENT PLAN
Botox was used near the eyebrows to elevate making this patient's eyes appear more open.THE OUTCOME
The focal point has shifted from the heavy eyelid skin to sc... Read More
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 910 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 2 of 8

Case #910

Case description coming soon!
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 1166 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before and after BOTOX for drooping eyebrows
Case: 3 of 8

Case #1166

Our patient, a woman in her 30s, was concerned about her slightly downturned and asymmetric brows, which contributed to her hooded and droopy eyelids. She felt that this gave her a tired appearance and was seeking a solution to lift and open up her eyes without resorting to eyelid surgery.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
... Read More
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 899 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

Case #899

This amazing woman is not only a grandmother of 12, she is a competition bodybuilder! She hoped for some direction on how to rejuvenate her appearance, focusing on specific areas of her face that she believed were contributing to an aged look, with a particular emphasis on addressing her heavy brows and eyelids.M... Read More
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 909 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

Case #909

Meet our wonderful patient, a dynamic woman in her 50s who thrives on staying active and engaged in her social circles. Despite her zest for life, she found herself bothered by a common cosmetic concern: heavy, drooping eyebrows. Not only were her brows causing her concern, but they were also contributing to the appear... Read More
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 918 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 6 of 8

Case #918

Case description coming soon!
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 309 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

Case #309

See her Full Face dermal filler Case here!ABOUT OUR PATIENT
This California woman in her 50's came to San Francisco to see me about taking care of the shadows that were beginning to appear underneath her eyes. I found her to be an excellent candidate for non-surgical facial fillers.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
In additi... Read More
Before & After Drooping Brow Case 821 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA
Before & After
Case: 8 of 8

Case #821

Wanting a refreshed and rejuvenated look, this dedicated mother of two sought a solution to alleviate the constant effort required to keep her eyes open. MFI TREATMENT PLAN
PA-C Tiffany used Botox to the forehead and around the eyes to rejuvenate the upper eyelids, alleviating visible heavines... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

How To Elevate Drooping Brows: Your Treatment Options at MFI

Non Surgical Brow Lift With Neuromodulators

If overactive brow depressor muscles are the cause of your low eyebrows, we can use BOTOX for a non surgical brow lift. Our Injectors specialize in this “liquid brow lift” that can open up the eye area for women and men whose brows have begun to sag. We use BOTOX to disable the depressor muscles, which pull the brows down. This enables the brow elevator muscles to subtly lift the brow, helping you to look refreshed and alert, yet natural.

Highlighted treatment area on a model's face Non Surgical Brow Lift.
Woman before receiving upper face botox treatment
Woman after receiving upper face botox treatment

Our patient in her 30s was bothered by slightly downturned and uneven brows. We strategically injected BOTOX to lift her brows and create symmetry. This not only lifted her brows but also elevated her lids, opening up her eyes and enhancing her overall look.

Woman before BOTOX Brow Lift treatment
Woman after BOTOX Brow Lift treatment

This young woman's overactive depressor muscles caused her eyebrows to pull down and in. With BOTOX injections, her brows were released to a softer, more naturally arched shape and position.

Woman before BOTOX Brow Lift treatment
Woman after BOTOX Brow Lift treatment

This middle-aged woman demonstrates the WOW-worthy results we achieve with a non surgical brow lift. By elevating her brows, her eyes come out of the shadows, and she looks rested, refreshed, and years younger.

BOTOX for Forehead & Brow Package

For most people, drooping brows are only part of the problem. They usually start bothering you about the same time as other expression lines in the upper face, like crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines. The BOTOX for Forehead & Brow package provides more comprehensive results and represents a cost savings over treating each concern individually.

Highlighted treatment area on a model's face for BOTOX for Forehead & Brow Package.
Before Image
After Image

This woman was an excellent candidate for our BOTOX for Forehead & Brow package, since her forehead and frown lines were the result of repeated facial expressions. The customized package gave her a smooth forehead and elevated brow position.

Before Image
After Image

This man is relatively young, but his heavy brow makes him look older and sleepy. We used BOTOX to elevate his brow and give him a much more refreshed and alert appearance.

Woman before BOTOX for Forehead & Brow Package
Woman after BOTOX for Forehead & Brow Package

This woman was an excellent candidate for our BOTOX for Forehead & Brow package, since her forehead and frown lines were the result of repeated facial expressions. The customized package gave her a smooth forehead and elevated brow position.

Man before BOTOX Brow Lift treatment
Man after BOTOX Brow Lift treatment

This man is relatively young, but his heavy brow makes him look older and sleepy. We used BOTOX to elevate his brow and give him a much more refreshed and alert appearance.

How Much Does a Non Surgical Brow Lift With BOTOX Cost?

A BOTOX brow lift at MFI includes up to 20 units of BOTOX and current pricing can be found on our dedicated pricing page. If you choose to purchase our Forehead & Brow Package, you will receive up to 40 units of BOTOX depending on your individual needs.

Once you’re happy with your brows, you’ll enter into the maintenance phase of treatment. This means you only need to come in about every 3 to 4 months for touch-ups.

Qualified borrowers may be eligible for 0% financing for 6 to 12 months through CareCredit and Alphaeon medical financing.

The MFI Advantage

MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of fillers for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, has dedicated thousands of hours to carefully selecting and training our talented Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for injectables. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you'll find at MFI.

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What Causes the Brows To Droop or Sag?

Everyone’s brows come down when they squint or scowl. But when your brows get low and stay low, you start to look fatigued or stern. So why are your brows drooping?

Overactive Muscles

Sometimes certain muscles in our face work harder than we need or want them to. They may forget how to fully relax, causing tension that pulls on the overlying skin. Overactive depressor muscles can pull down on the brows, causing them to look heavy or low.

Aging/Stressed Skin

As you get older, your skin doesn’t “snap back” the way it does when you’re a teenager. Factors that contribute to this include the breakdown of fat, slower collagen production, and facial ligaments that lose their elasticity. On top of that, environmental factors like sun exposure, pollutants, and stress also take their toll on your skin, causing it to get thinner and less resilient.

Drooping Brows Treatment

Consultation and Planning for Your BOTOX Brow Lift

Mabrie facial institute seating area interior

Your First Visit

When you arrive at our beautiful San Francisco office, you’ll be greeted warmly, and we’ll be ready to see you. You’ll have a candid consultation with one of our exceptional Injectors to discuss what you want to get out of your treatment. We carefully examine your face from every angle, under different lighting, to determine which procedures will result in your ideal contours.

At MFI, our BOTOX experts are here to help you understand your options, what works and what doesn’t, and how we can apply neuromodulators to lift your brows for a natural, youthful look.

Please set aside up to 90 minutes for your first visit, which includes consultation, prep, treatment, pre- and post-treatment photography, aftercare education, and scheduling your next appointment. The injections themselves only take about 10 minutes and cause minimal discomfort.

Your Non Surgical Brow Lift Procedure

Most people don’t want overly arched or lifted brows from their BOTOX treatment. Our skilled Injectors use a tiny needle to inject neuromodulators into the depressor muscles to elevate the brows, creating the effect of a subtle brow lift. This opens up the eye area and creates a rejuvenated appearance.

For more about what to expect, visit Your Treatment Timeline.

Preparing for Your Procedure

For the best experience, follow these tips in advance of your appointment:

  • A few days before your appointment, restrict blood thinners, such as anti-inflammatories, fish oil, and alcohol. Limiting these will reduce your risk of bruising from BOTOX injections.
  • DO NOT discontinue prescribed, medically necessary medications.
  • Eat and drink a normal breakfast or lunch prior to your appointment; low blood sugar can make patients lightheaded during treatment.

Recovery & Aftercare

Some common injection-related reactions may occur, such as swelling, bruising, pain, itching, discoloration, and tenderness at the injection site. These are normal side effects and are most apparent 24 to 48 hours after treatment. These typically subside within 2 to 5 days.  Most patients return to their routine activities the same day.


  • While swelling with this procedure is typically minimal, it peaks the day after treatment
  • This may cause temporary asymmetry, lumps, or bumps
  • Will gradually resolve to reveal your final results over about 4 to 10 days


  • While bruising is possible, it is usually minimal

Redness & Discomfort

  • Often minimal and lasting just a few days
  • Your brow area may be tender to the touch


  • No downtime required
  • May return to work immediately after treatment
  • May resume normal exercise the next day

Because we know you have questions about your recovery process, we created an entire page dedicated to BOTOX and dermal filler aftercare.


Will I have a permanently surprised look after a BOTOX brow lift?

While heavy, sagging brows tend to convey fatigue, anger, and other negative emotions, overly arched or lifted brows can have a similarly off-putting effect. Our Injectors keep this in mind when they are helping patients to determine their ideal brow position. We use neuromodulators conservatively to create softly arched brows, positioned to frame the eyes and complement them.

How many units of BOTOX do I need for a brow lift?

Many people need only 2 to 5 units of BOTOX for a subtle brow lift. The number of units varies among individuals and also depends on which neuromodulator is used.

How long does a BOTOX brow lift last?

Results from BOTOX and other neuromodulators typically last 3 to 4 months, and we can help you keep your results indefinitely with regularly scheduled touch-up appointments. Studies show that keeping up with your injections may prolong the results over time.

The MFI Advantage

MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of fillers for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, has dedicated thousands of hours to carefully selecting and training our talented Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for injectables. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you'll find at MFI.

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We’d Love To See You

If you’d like to speak to one of the expert Injectors at MFI about a non surgical brow lift using neuromodulators, request a consultation online, or call us at (415) 445-9513 to schedule your appointment. If you’ll be visiting us from outside the area, you’re in good company, and our Fly in for Your Procedure page was created just for you to help make planning your trip as smooth as possible.

A Reputation Built on Results

I first found Dr. Mabrie nine years ago, while researching on the website real (a site that...
Dr. Mabrie and his team provide exceptional care in a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere. With a focus on...
What an amazing experience! Everyone in the office was incredibly lovely from start to finish. Dr....
This is where to go when you want your most important work done by a pro. Excellent service by the whole...