A Little Area That Makes a Big Difference

Do you hesitate to wear dangling earrings due to elongated, sagging earlobes? You’re not alone—aging earlobes are a fairly common concern. We all have plump earlobes when we’re younger, but as we age, they can lose volume, sag, and develop folds and creases. They can also become stretched from years of heavy earrings and gravity pulling them downward. At Mabrie Facial Institute in San Francisco, earlobe rejuvenation isn’t usually a patient’s primary concern, but it is something we commonly address as an add-on to another facial rejuvenation package. Since the ears frame the face, refreshing the earlobes can take years off your overall appearance.

What’s Going On? 

Like other areas of the face, the earlobes lose collagen as we get older. This diminishes the volume and elasticity of the skin, causing deep lines and wrinkles on the earlobes. The weight of heavy earrings can also contribute to sagging and elongation. Many of our fashionable Bay Area patients have given up wearing their favorite earrings because they don’t want to draw more attention to their earlobes.

Our Solution: Earlobe Enhancer Treatment

Earlobe rejuvenation can make a noticeable difference in the overall youthfulness of your face. By injecting dermal fillers, we restore volume and shape to the earlobes and smooth out the wrinkles and creases. There are a number of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers that we may use in this area, including products from both the JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® families.

Our Favorite Earlobes
 Before AND After Photos

Case: 1 of 3
Before & After Earlobes Case 691 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #691:

Before and After
Case: 1 of 2

Case #691

Our ears are an important feature that often get their fair share of use when it comes to accessorizing. After years of wearing heavy earrings, this patient began to notice her lobes were thinning and appeared stretched.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
Similar to your face, filler is a quick and easy remedy for sagging, w... Read More
Before & After Earlobes Case 706 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #706:

Before and After
Case: 2 of 2

Case #706

This patient was thrilled to learn that Dermal Filler could be used to plump up stretched, drooping and deflated-looking earlobes. MFI TREATMENT PLAN
Small, strategic amounts of Dermal Filler injected into the damaged area of the lobe.THE OUTCOME
The small amount of filler makes quite a diff... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Your Earlobe Filler Procedure

Earlobe rejuvenation alone takes about 15 to 30 minutes. There is little to no downtime, and you can return to work or other routine activities immediately. The results typically last 6 to 9 months, and we recommend touch-up or maintenance treatments to prolong the benefits of this procedure.

For more about what to expect, visit Your Treatment Timeline.


Our Full Face Rejuvenation or Contouring Package is perfectly designed to help you look your absolute best. From the top of your forehead to your chin and jawline, your Wow-worthy results will help you feel confidently ready for anything (from any angle).

Illumination 360°

Earlobe Rejuvenation Pricing

At Mabrie Facial Institute, our earlobe filler procedure is priced based on the volume of filler needed. This cost includes your first appointment and the fillers used.

Once your earlobes look just right, you’ll enter into the maintenance phase of treatment. This means you only need to come in about every 9 to 12 months for filler touch-ups, which require significantly less filler than your initial treatment.

Qualified borrowers may be eligible for 0% financing for 6 to 12 months through CareCredit and Alphaeon medical financing.

For comprehensive pricing information, visit our Procedure Pricing page.

The MFI Advantage

MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of fillers for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, has dedicated thousands of hours to carefully selecting and training our talented Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for injectables. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you'll find at MFI.

Schedule Me

We’d Love To See You

If you are interested in learning more about facial rejuvenation, request a consultation online with one of the specialists at Mabrie Facial Institute or call us at (415) 445-9513 to schedule your initial appointment. If you’ll be visiting us from outside the area, our Fly in for Your Procedure page was created just for you to help make planning your trip as smooth as possible.

Earlobe Rejuvenation FAQs

Can earlobe fillers help with sagging?

Yes, earlobe fillers are great for plumping up sagging earlobes and smoothing out creases and lines. Your earlobe is sort of like a balloon, and as it has lost volume over time, it has become droopy and wrinkled. Adding filler is sort of like adding air to a balloon. It becomes fuller, smoother, more youthful looking, and ready to show off your favorite earrings!

What are the best fillers for earlobe rejuvenation?

At MFI, we prefer hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers from the Restylane or JUVÉDERM families for rejuvenating the earlobes. Each of these established product lines offer a variety of different formulations for different treatment areas. For the earlobes, we may use a spongy-textured filler such as JUVÉDERM VOLUMA or Restylane Lyft to restore a firm, smooth appearance to the earlobes.

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Thank you Mabrie Angels! Your service is nothing short of divine, and I am beyond grateful for the...
I first found Dr. Mabrie nine years ago, while researching on the website real self.com (a site that...
Dr. Mabrie and his team provide exceptional care in a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere. With a focus on...
What an amazing experience! Everyone in the office was incredibly lovely from start to finish. Dr....