Crow’s feet are “dynamic wrinkles” at the outer corners of the eyes caused by repeated smiling or squinting. If you’re constantly searching for the best eye cream for crow’s feet or a natural alternative to BOTOX for crow’s feet, you’ve probably been disappointed. Unfortunately, you can’t fix crow’s feet with creams, serums, or patches that go on the skin. At MFI in San Francisco, we use BOTOX for crow’s feet because neuromodulators are the only way to get to the source of the problem. With BOTOX, you can stop wasting money and storage space on all those gimmicky products.

Our Favorite Crow's Feet
 Before AND After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 510 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #510:

Before and After
Case: 1 of 8

Case #510

ABOUT OUR PATIENTThis good looking guy was volunteered for treatment by his wife, who felt that the wrinkles between his eyebrows made him look more serious than his upbeat, likable personality. MFI TREATMENT PLANWe treated his horizontal forehead lines, frown lines, and crow's feet with Botox to give him a refre... Read More
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 912 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #912:

Before and after BOTOX for crow’s feet
Case: 2 of 8

Case #912

A patient in his late 30s wanted our help to reduce the crow's feet wrinkles around his eyes. His goal was a more youthful look while retaining natural facial movement and expression.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
BOTOX was administered specifically to the crow's feet around the eyes. This treatm... Read More
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 674 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #674:

Before and After
Case: 3 of 8

Case #674

This is a beautiful, long-time patient of ours who came in for a maintenance visit to address the wrinkles around her eyes and nasolabial folds when smiling.  She felt she looked tired and the increased lines with facial expressions bothered her.  She wanted to look more rested and refresh her overal... Read More
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 49 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #49:

Before and After
Case: 4 of 8

Case #49

Woman shown with, "crow's feet" wrinkles by the eyes, exacerbated with squinting and smiling. San Francisco facial plastic surgeon Dr. David Mabrie treats these wrinkles with Botox or Dysport. Read More
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 48 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #48:

Before and After
Case: 5 of 8

Case #48

Wrinkles along the eyes, also known as, 'crow's feet'. These wrinkles occur with smiling or squinting. By placing Botox or Dysport wrinkles can be reduced.  Read More
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 906 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #906:

Before and After
Case: 6 of 8

Case #906

Case description coming soon!
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 907 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #907:

Before and After
Case: 7 of 8

Case #907

Our patient, a busy Nurse, sought to soften the crow's feet, while retaining her natural expressions, with the ultimate goal of expressing herself freely while eliminating those pesky wrinkles.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
To address her concerns, we developed a comprehensive treatment plan. BOTOX was skillfully ad... Read More
Before & After Crow's Feet Case 911 View #1 View in San Francisco, CA

Case #911:

Before and After
Case: 8 of 8

Case #911

Meet our vibrant 37-year-old female patient who believes in staying ahead of the game. She wanted to keep those crows' feet from making an appearance when she smiles. She noticed them more often when flashing those pearly whites and wanted to soften their impact.MFI TREATMENT PLAN
At the Mabrie Facial In... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

How To Get Rid of Crow’s Feet: Your Treatment Options at MFI

At MFI, your Injector takes the time to listen to your concerns, examine your face, and determine whether your crow’s feet should be treated on their own, or if treating adjacent areas would give you optimal results.

Targeted Crow’s Feet Treatment With BOTOX

Our highly skilled Injectors use botulinum toxin injections, BOTOX or Dysport® (another neuromodulator), to temporarily relax the muscles that cause wrinkles and lines like crow’s feet. Younger patients often get neuromodulator injections to prevent the formation of crow’s feet in the first place.

Highlighted treatment area on a model's face for Targeted Crow’s Feet Treatment.
Before Image
After Image

BOTOX was skillfully administered to the crow's feet to soften the wrinkles when she smiles, resulting in a noticeably smoother upper face.

BOTOX for Forehead & Brow Package

For most people, crow’s feet aren’t a standalone concern. They usually come with other expression lines in the upper face, like bunny lines, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines. The BOTOX for Forehead & Brow package provides more comprehensive results and represents a cost savings over treating each concern individually.

Highlighted treatment area on a model's face for BOTOX for Forehead & Brow Package.
Man before a BOTOX for Forehead & Brow treatment.
Man after a BOTOX for Forehead & Brow treatment.

We treated this young man's horizontal forehead lines, frown lines, and crow's feet with BOTOX to give him a refreshed but natural-looking result.

Man before a BOTOX for Forehead & Brow treatment.
Man after a BOTOX for Forehead & Brow treatment.

We injected BOTOX into the muscles of the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes to relax the muscles that were contracting and forming these overlying wrinkles.

Woman before a BOTOX for Forehead & Brow treatment.
Woman after a BOTOX for Forehead & Brow treatment.

This woman's horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet were visible at rest and with movement. We injected BOTOX into the muscles of the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes to relax the muscles that cause these wrinkles.

How Much Does BOTOX for Crow’s Feet Cost?

Targeted treatment of crow’s feet alone includes up to 20 units of BOTOX; up-to-date pricing can be found on our dedicated pricing page. If you choose to purchase our Forehead & Brow Package, the cost includes up to 40 units of BOTOX.

Once your crow’s feet have been addressed, you’ll enter into the maintenance phase of treatment. This means you only need to come in about every 3 to 4 months for touch-ups.

Qualified borrowers may be eligible for 0% financing for 6 to 12 months through CareCredit and Alphaeon medical financing.

The MFI Advantage

MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of fillers for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, has dedicated thousands of hours to carefully selecting and training our talented Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for injectables. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you'll find at MFI.

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What Causes Crow’s Feet?

Routine Facial Expressions

Your eyes and cheeks are a big part of virtually all your facial expressions. When you smile or laugh, your cheeks lift, folding the skin in the area beneath the eyes. Squinting and frowning also crease the skin at the outer corners of the eye. Over many years, these creases become worn into the skin in a fan-like pattern that resembles a bird’s foot, hence the name.

Excessive Squinting

Squinting is a normal reaction to bright light or difficulty reading small print, but you may be squinting more often than you should. If you have eyes that are very sensitive to light, you may be squinting without being aware of it. Also, you may be chronically squinting if you need corrective lenses or a stronger prescription.

Diminished Skin Quality

No matter how well you take care of your skin, it will eventually begin to lose its elasticity and firmness. As you lose fat and your body starts producing less collagen, you’ll see expression lines forming and other signs of aging. This is accelerated in people who smoke, get a lot of sun exposure, and don’t prioritize good skin care.

Crow's Feet

Consultation and Planning for Your Crow’s Feet Treatment

Mabrie facial institute seating area interior

Your First Visit

Erasing your crow’s feet starts with a thorough consultation with one of the amazing Injectors at our stunning San Francisco office. We take time to get to know you and to educate you about our process and about the injectables we will use in your procedure. Your Injector will be sure to answer all your questions during the process.

Next, we take professional-level photographs of your face from all angles. We reference these photos at every visit to identify your concerns and monitor your progress. Using both the photos and the in-person examination, we map out a customized treatment plan tailored to your anatomy and goals.

Your personalized treatment plan may include any or all of the following:

  • Injections into the orbicularis oculi muscles to relax them and erase your crow’s feet
  • Optional additional treatment to adjacent areas for a more comprehensive upper-face refresh

Please plan to spend up to 90 minutes in the office for your first visit, which includes consultation, prep, treatment, photography, aftercare education, and scheduling your next appointment.

Your Crow’s Feet BOTOX Procedure

If we agree that a neuromodulator is the best solution for your crow’s feet, we will usually proceed with treatment right away. We will have you wash your face with an antiseptic cleanser to prevent infection, then mark the injection sites.

The skilled Injectors at MFI use a tiny needle to carefully inject BOTOX or Dysport into the muscles beneath the crow’s feet. The product blocks nerve signals to the muscle, and once those muscles relax (in about 5 to 7 days), the skin smooths, and the crow’s feet fade.

For more about what to expect, visit Your Treatment Timeline.

Preparing for Your Procedure

For the best BOTOX experience, follow these tips in advance of your appointment:

  • A few days before your appointment, restrict blood thinners, such as anti-inflammatories, fish oil, and alcohol. Limiting these will reduce your risk of bruising after your BOTOX injections.
  • DO NOT discontinue prescribed, medically necessary medications.
  • Eat and drink a normal breakfast or lunch prior to your appointment; low blood sugar can make patients lightheaded during treatment.

Recovery & Aftercare

Immediately after BOTOX for crow’s feet, you may experience minor swelling, bruising (rarely), tenderness, and redness at the injection sites. These are normal side effects and are most apparent 24 to 48 hours after treatment. Most patients return to their routine activities the same day.


  • Swelling is usually limited to the injection points and is typically minor
  • This minor swelling should resolve within 48 hours


  • Bruising is normal, but fairly uncommon with neuromodulator injections

Redness & Discomfort

  • Often minimal and lasting just a day or two
  • Injection sites may be tender to the touch


  • No downtime required
  • May return to work immediately after treatment
  • May resume normal exercise the next day

Because we know you have questions about your recovery process, we created an entire page dedicated to BOTOX and dermal filler aftercare.

Crow’s Feet FAQs

How can you prevent crow’s feet?

While everyone will have lines at the corners of their eyes eventually, there are things you can do to hold them off for as long as possible. Always protect your eyes from the sun, keep your corrective lenses’ prescription up to date, and take regular breaks from looking at a screen. You may also consider preventative BOTOX—starting neuromodulators at an earlier age, before the crow’s feet become etched in your skin.

Are there any “natural” ways to treat crow’s feet?

If “natural” means something that doesn’t require a medical professional, then the answer is no. When a product or a treatment claims to be “better than BOTOX” for crow’s feet, you can skip it. The only way to soften crow’s feet is to relax the muscles that pull on your skin and cause wrinkles. Neuromodulators like BOTOX Cosmetic are designed specifically for treating these dynamic wrinkles.

Can fillers help with crow’s feet?

If neuromodulator injections aren’t enough to erase deeply etched static crow’s feet (those that don’t go away even when the area is relaxed), dermal fillers can be a good option. Our Injectors can use a hyaluronic acid filler suited for the under eye area to fill beneath the lines and create a smooth surface.

The MFI Advantage

MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of fillers for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, has dedicated thousands of hours to carefully selecting and training our talented Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for injectables. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you'll find at MFI.

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We’d Love To See You

If you’re ready to be free of your crow’s feet, request a consultation online with one of our expert Injectors, or call us at (415) 445-9513 to schedule your appointment. If you’ll be visiting us from outside the area, our Fly in for Your Procedure page was created just for you to help make planning your trip as smooth as possible.

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I first found Dr. Mabrie nine years ago, while researching on the website real (a site that...
Dr. Mabrie and his team provide exceptional care in a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere. With a focus on...
What an amazing experience! Everyone in the office was incredibly lovely from start to finish. Dr....
This is where to go when you want your most important work done by a pro. Excellent service by the whole...