Maintaining your ideal look costs just a fraction of your initial treatment cost, making dermal fillers much more affordable than you might think.

At MFI, we’ve found that our patients typically retain about 80% of their initial results after one year (sometimes a bit less in the lower half of the face). That means that if you follow our recommended maintenance schedule, you may require only 20% of the initial amount of filler at your touch-up appointments.

So in addition to keeping your filler results looking “first-day fresh,” maintenance treatments offer these perks:

  • Usually only needed every 9 to 12 months

  • You'll need up to 80% less filler than at your initial treatment

  • Cheaper and quicker than your initial treatment

If you have concerns about the affordability or longevity of dermal fillers, the answer to both is regular maintenance.

Although we can’t quote specific maintenance pricing without a personal consultation, the following example should give you an idea of how maintenance pricing compares to the initial treatment cost.

Full Face Rejuvenation: $13,000

Before Full Face treatment
After Initial 2 treatments with a total of 7 syringes

Maintenance: $2,700

Patient 9 months after previous treatment
Same day, immediately after 2 syringes maintenance treatment

With maintenance appointments usually required every 9 to 12 months, your annual maintenance is usually 60 to 80% less than your initial treatment cost and syringe volume.

Factors including dramatic weight loss or certain health concerns may affect the longevity of your filler results. Our Injectors will discuss these and any other concerns at your consultation.

We’d Love To See You

Find out why so many women and men choose Mabrie Facial Institute for our dermal filler packages in the San Francisco Bay Area. Request a consultation online or call us at (415) 445-9513. If you’ll be visiting us from outside the area, our Fly in for Your Procedure page was created just for you to help make planning your trip as smooth as possible.
