Before And After Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Case 218
This young lady was already feeling somewhat satisfied with the shaping of her nose, but she knew there was room for improvement. She felt it looked a little round and slightly undefined. Basically, she was looking for a change that was defining but not too drastic. After searching online for a facial plastic surgeon specializing in Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, she found our before and after picture gallery online and felt like I could help her face find that delicate balance she was looking for. She dropped by my office in downtown San Francisco for a consultation, and we started exploring options together.
I felt this patient already had a very cute nose to start with. Much like my other cases, I didn't want to disrupt the natural beauty that was already alive in her features I just wanted to bring it out more. My treatments were very slight with this case - I only sought to accentuate the bridge, which was slightly underdeveloped. I also wanted to do something about the nasal tip, as it looked just a little bit too round. This kind of case is better treatment with non-invasive cosmetic surgery than with traditional surgical techniques. Thus, I gave her a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty with Restylane Lyft.
Seen here immediately after the procedure you'll notice that she has a more defined tip that compliments her narrower, more developed bridge. This result is so fantastic that I often use it as an example to show people that little additions can have a big impact on your facial appearance.
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.