Before And After Nasolabial Folds Case 1154

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Softening Nasolabial Folds with Botox

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Injectable Type
African American
60's or Over

Nasolabial folds (NLFs), aka “smile lines” or “laugh lines,” can be especially bothersome to patients as they tend to be noticeable even at rest and deepen over time as the face naturally loses collagen.

This female patient in her 60s was particularly troubled by these lines that gave her an aged appearance. Moreover, the muscles surrounding this area, dubbed “snarl muscles,” were overactive and contributed to the appearance of a sneering or snarling expression. She sought an easy, non-surgical treatment to look more natural, relaxed, and youthful.

Dr. Mabrie applied a tailored approach, utilizing both fillers and Botox to tackle the patient’s concerns. He began by administering a hyaluronic acid filler into the cheeks to build support, lifting the sagging skin that caused the appearance of deep nasolabial folds. For this patient, no fillers were injected directly into the NLF lines, although it is an option for this type of treatment.

Following this, a small dose of Botox was then administered to the “snarl muscles” to relax the area and soften her expression. Only one session was needed for this treatment.

The patient’s nasolabial fold lines were noticeably softened to achieve a more youthful and natural appearance. The combination of hyaluronic acid filler and Botox resulted in a harmonious balance, addressing both volume loss and muscle dynamics. The results from filler will last around one year, while the effects from Botox typically last 3-4 months. This integrated approach not only enhanced her facial aesthetics but also boosted her confidence, providing a more relaxed expression. With periodic maintenance, she can continue to enjoy her rejuvenated look.
