Before And After Jawline Definition Case 1274
Our patient in his 40s who came to us seeking a more defined and masculine profile. He felt his face and jawline lacked structure and contouring, concerns that had been amplified by weight fluctuations over the years. He wanted to get rid of that "soft" look for a sharper, stronger appearance.
To address his concerns, we created a tailored plan combining dermal fillers and chin augmentation. We used hyaluronic acid fillers to enhance his chin projection and define the contours of his jawline, creating a more structured and masculine look. We focused on strategic contouring to smooth the transition between the chin and neck. The goal was a balanced, natural result that sharpened his features while maintaining his unique character.
The before-and-after results are transformative! His newly sculpted angles along the jawline are defined and masculine, just what he was aiming for. He’s thrilled with how the treatment restored the structure to his face and brought out the features he always wanted to highlight.
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.