Before And After Complete Facial Rejuvenation or Contouring Case 443

Our Bay Area patient in her 30s found us while browsing on RealSelf. She was interested in defining her cheeks and having more definition and angular contour in her face. She believed that going into her 30s, her cheeks and lower face were becoming a little saggy and she wanted to refresh her looks with the help of dermal fillers and neuromodulators.

She loved the Full Face option that addresses a face as a whole, and each treatment area compliments each other that results in a transforming and amazing outcome. 

We started by sculpting her cheeks and filling in the missing volume in her midface with Juvederm Voluma; Restylane was used to recharge her under her eyes; Juvederm Ultra was applied to add a conservative amount of volume to her lips and fill in her marionette lines; Juvederm Ultra Plus was added along her jawline to outline her lower face; and Botox was also added to stop the dimpling of her chin. 

Dysport was injected in her masseter muscles to help slim her lower face and compliment the sculpting effects of the dermal fillers. This treatment not only slims the face, but it helps relax the masseter muscles to prevent grinding and clenching of the jaw. 

She has been a patient for over 4 years and absolutely loves coming to treat herself! Her favorite area that has been a drastic change for her is the Masseter treatment. She now notices that she does not hold as much tension in her jaw as she did before treatment and loves how it naturally slims her face.
