Before And After Complete Facial Rejuvenation or Contouring Case 434

Being one of our nurses at Mabrie Facial Institute, Lindsey was more than happy to share her personal experience with our patients. Living in San Francisco, she is our go to person for all of the trendiest bars and restaurants. She felt like her appearance needed a recharge to match her upbeat personality and how young felt on the inside. She also wanted to achieve more structure to her face to have a natural contour. 

We started off adding volume back to her midface and cheek area with Juvederm Voluma to give support to her under eye region. Restylane was used to fill in the missing volume in her under eyes and to lift her nasal tip and bridge. For her lips, Juvederm Ultra XC added a settled amount of volume to give her the perfect pout. 

We used a combination of Radiesse and hyaluronic acid-based fillers to sculpt her chin. With the aid of Dysport in her masseter muscles, her facial features transformed into a natural contoured ‘v-shape’. 

To compliment the changes from dermal fillers, we used Botox to perform a brow lift, further opening and brightening her eyes. 

Now, our beautiful nurse feels like she can wake up and get her day started without feeling like she looks tired. She believes that all of the facial creams and under eye products cannot compare to dermal fillers. She keeps her results fresh by getting treatment every 6-9 months. 
