Before And After Complete Facial Rejuvenation or Contouring Case 367

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Injectable Type
Dermal Filler
African American


"Practice what you preach." Now that's a piece of wisdom I think everyone should follow, especially if you happen to be in the cosmetic surgery biz. You always hear me telling you to stay beautiful by committing to the transformative process of using non-surgical dermal fillers. Well, guess what? I do the same thing myself.

For the past six years, I've injected myself with different kinds of dermal fillers to help preserve the looks that Mother Nature gave me - and that Father Time might want to steal away.


I've used applications Restylane for my tear troughs, nasal bridge and nasal tip. For my cheekbones and chin I started out using Radiesse initially but now I use Juvederm Voluma, because it lasts longer and is more stable from my experience.

Again, the time frame for these changes you're seeing has been about half a decade. I want you to see what kind of results you can expect by making subtle adjustments to your face over time. The improvements may seem dramatic, but they're not completely obvious to the naked eye on an everyday basis, unless you're looking at before and after pictures like you are now.


Like lots of other men out there, I used to wear a goatee to compensate for lack of volume in my chin. After giving myself non-surgical chin augmentation, I'm relieved to finally feel comfortable shaving it off. I've found that my confidence is boosted and so is my overall outlook on life.
