Most people know that BOTOX is the go-to solution for frown lines and crow’s feet. But are you familiar with “trap tox?” Did you know that BOTOX can also help with facial slimming? The truth is, BOTOX benefits don’t end at your forehead. In this blog post, we explore some of the less common applications of BOTOX, and the big difference they can make when performed by our skilled Injectors.
Trapezius BOTOX for a Sleek Neck Contour
Prominent trapezius muscles can give the upper back and neck a bulky appearance. People who want a lean neck with a defined angle between the neck and shoulder may be bothered by the look of their trap muscles. Some influencers have coined the term “Barbie BOTOX” because of the doll’s slender neck, which sits almost at a right angle to her shoulders.
Various factors can contribute to prominent trapezius muscles, including:
- Certain occupations or activities that involve repetitive motions, such as heavy lifting or poor posture, can lead to muscle hypertrophy in the trapezius.
- Chronic tension or stress can cause overactivity and hypertrophy in these muscles.
- Some individuals naturally have more developed trapezius muscles due to genetics.
At MFI, we offer neuromodulator injections (“trap tox”) as a treatment to reduce the size or prominence of overdeveloped trapezius muscles. We inject BOTOX into specific points of the upper trapezius muscle temporarily blocking nerve signals to the muscle, causing it to relax. By reducing muscle activity, BOTOX helps shrink the trapezius muscles over time.
This treatment is often sought for both cosmetic reasons, to achieve a more proportionate or slender upper body appearance, and for therapeutic purposes to alleviate symptoms related to muscle tension or pain.

Would Trapezius BOTOX Benefit You? A 3-Step Test
If you’re not sure whether BOTOX to the trapezius muscle might help you, we recommend a consultation at MFI. We conduct a comprehensive assessment, evaluate your symptoms, and let you know if trap tox can help. If you’d like to self-assess, here’s how:
- Pay attention to your posture and any tension or discomfort in the upper back and neck area. Tight trapezius muscles can cause stiffness, pain, or tension headaches.
- Look at your upper back and neck in a mirror or photos. If you notice significant bulging or fullness in the trapezius muscles, especially when relaxed, it might indicate hypertrophy or overdevelopment.
- Assess your range of motion in the neck and shoulders. If you experience limited mobility or stiffness, it could suggest muscle overactivity or tension.
Facial Slimming BOTOX for a More V-Shaped Look
Overdeveloped masseter muscles can result in a more square or masculine appearance of the lower face. This hypertrophy might create a widened jawline or a bulging effect along the sides of the jaw, which you may find aesthetically undesirable.
Several factors contribute to the prominence or enlargement of the masseter muscles:
- Habitual teeth clenching or grinding, known as bruxism, can lead to muscle overuse and hypertrophy.
- Excessive chewing of gum, tough foods, or consistently using one side of the jaw more than the other can contribute to muscle enlargement.
- Some individuals naturally have more prominent or larger masseter muscles due to genetic predispositions.
At MFI, we use masseter BOTOX for facial slimming to reduce the size and activity of overdeveloped masseter muscles and streamline the lower face. By strategically injecting BOTOX into specific points of the masseter muscle, the treatment relaxes the muscle and reduces its strength, causing it to shrink over time.
Can BOTOX Help You Slim Your Face? A 3-Step Test
To find out if you’re a candidate for facial slimming with BOTOX, we recommend a consultation at MFI. We conduct a comprehensive assessment, evaluate your symptoms, and let you know if enlarged masseters are causing your concerns. In the meantime, here’s a simple self-assessment you can try:
- Place your fingers on the sides of your jaw, near the angle where the jawbone meets the lower part of the ear.
- Gently clench your teeth or grind them for a few seconds. You might feel the masseter muscles tighten and bulge.
- If you notice significant bulging or tension in the masseter muscles when clenching, it might indicate overactivity or hypertrophy.
Chin BOTOX To Banish the Bumps
Chin dimples are small indentations or irregularities in the skin of the chin. They can resemble the texture of an orange peel or a golf ball, hence the nicknames “orange peel chin” or “golf ball chin.” This dimpled texture is caused by an overactive mentalis muscle which pulls back on the chin and causes it to pucker.
At MFI, we treat a dented or dimpled chin with BOTOX or another neuromodulator. This works by temporarily paralyzing or relaxing the mentalis muscle and smoothing out the skin. For some individuals, this can also improve chin projection.
Could You Benefit from Chin BOTOX? A 3-Step Test
The best way to determine if mentalis BOTOX could help you is to consult with an expert like the Injectors at MFI. But if you want to perform a self-test, you can try this at home:
- Start with a relaxed facial expression, ensuring your chin and lower face are at rest.
- Look in a mirror and see if you have visible dimpling or puckering in your chin area. An overactive mentalis muscle can cause the skin to bunch up, causing dimples or indentations without intentional movement.
- Make an exaggerated “pout” expression. If you notice pronounced chin dimpling or wrinkling when performing these movements, it could suggest an overactive mentalis muscle.
What Is BOTOX/Neuromodulator Treatment Like at Mabrie Facial Institute?
All neuromodulator treatments start with a thorough consultation at our San Francisco office on Union Square. Your Injector takes time to get to know you and your aesthetic goals and expectations. Next, we take professional-level photographs of your treatment area from multiple angles. We refer to these photos at every visit to monitor your progress. Using both the photos and an in-person examination, we develop a customized treatment plan for you.
We inject neuromodulators like BOTOX using a very fine needle into the targeted muscles. The product blocks nerve signals to the muscles, and over approximately 4 to 10 days, the muscle relaxes. It takes about 30 days for visible muscle shrinking from treatments like trapezius BOTOX or masseter BOTOX.
Trust MFI for Your BOTOX Treatment
MFI focuses exclusively on injectables, and has set the bar in the art and science of neuromodulators like BOTOX for more than 15 years. Dr. Mabrie, trained as a facial plastic surgeon, spends thousands of hours selecting and training only the best Injectors in the most innovative, effective, and safe techniques for neuromodulators and fillers. There is no other practice in the Bay Area with the level of experience, education, and passion for injectables you’ll find at MFI.
We believe small changes can make a huge difference in the look you present to the world. Take a peek at our gallery to see just what we mean. If you’d like to learn more about how neuromodulators can make changes ranging from subtle to dramatic, get in touch! Contact us online or call us at (415) 445-9513.
Until then, stay beautiful!
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